Are your vehicles compatible with E10 fuel?

Know your fuel! Introducing E10 petrol.

During summer 2021, the standard petrol you know has changed (upgraded if you will) to E10 fuel. Exceptions in Northern Ireland as the change will occur in early 2022.

The reason being that E10 is more eco-friendly than E5, which is what petrol-powered vehicles currently use. E10 contains less carbon and more ethanol, carbon being one of the main issues contributing to climate change. At Connected, we’re big on being environmentally friendly so we are very excited about this new change to reduce our emissions!

In fact, the new and slightly more sustainable petrol is already used across Europe, Australia and the US. It contains 10% of renewable ethanol – hence the name E10.

The fuel change applies to petrol only and is becoming the standard petrol guide so of course, there’s no need to worry if your showroom vehicles are diesel and electric.

About 95% of vehicles on the road are compatible with the new E10 fuel power. However, if your showroom vehicles were made before 2011, you will need to use the government’s online vehicle checker to see if it is compatible.

Petrol pumps at stations will clearly state either E10 or E5 for vehicles unable to use the more sustainable energy source. However, if a petrol station is yet to have access to E10, it is still safe for your vehicle to mix with E5. But don’t worry, the powerful smell of petrol will remain at stations – for those who enjoy the scent. We’re not judging!

Many classic vehicles and models from the early 2000s may not be reconcilable, so it’s important to use the vehicle checker in order to inform customers which fuel they should or aren’t able to use. You will also be able to help answer any of their burning questions.

Click here for more information.